Lily’s Bucket List of things she achieved
1. Wait to be
born in the hospital and not at home or in the car.
2. Be baptised.
3. Fly in a helicopter.
4. Ride in an ambulance.
5. A city break in Dublin.
6. Say goodbye to the lovely nurses in SCBU and HELLO Liscarney.
7. Sleep in my crib handmade by my Dad.
8. Have a birthday party every Wednesday for 7 weeks.
9. Wear lipstick.
10. Demand a daily oil massage by Mom.
11. Kick start my day with a shot of caffeine every morning like my
12. Have my hand and foot imprinted in clay.
13. Give hugs to my two big sisters.
14. Smile.
15. Have a sing song in my honour.
16. Wear the Mayo jersey with pride.
17. Wee on Granddad.
18. Grow to love my dody.
19. Get a slobbery kiss from the ball of fur they call Belle.
20. Go for a spin with Dad in the blue van.
21. Have a sleep over with all my family.
22. Have my footprint done in red paint.
23. Mom to write me a diary.
24. Listen to Mom sing to me.
25. Story time with my sisters.
26. Listen to stories and songs by my sisters.
27. Sleep in Mom and Dad's bed.
28. Sit on the swing.
29. Sit outside in the sun with no tubes on my face.
30. Wee on Mom.
31. Listen to Nanny and Granddad, sing me a song.
32. Go to visit Cloonee twice.
33. 'Talk' to my Mom.
34. Sleep all day and stay awake all night.
35. Have my photo taken daily.
36. Get my toenails painted bright red.

37. Have a bath in a basin.
38. Get sick on Mom.
39. Dance with my Dad.
40. Get Colette to put in a monthly feeding tube.
41. Use Facetime to talk to my BFF in Sydney.
42. Use skype to see mom's school children.
43. Be baptised AGAIN but this time wear 'the dress' & name my Nanny
and Granddad as godparents.
44. Give cuddles to all who come to see me & get a photo taken.
45. Put on weight.
46. Don a pair of snazzy sunglasses.
47. Pose for professional photo shoot.
48. Dance with Mom.
49. Snuggle into Mom as she reads me a bed time story.
50. Enjoy cuddles with Nanny, Granddad and my aunties almost every day.
51. Enjoy cuddles with Granny & my auntie almost every day.
52. Have a photo shoot with my mom's family.
53. Make my Confirmation.
54. Graduate from No.0 nappies to No.1 nappies.
55. Chat to Dr. Sharon every day about how my lungs and heart are doing.
56. Go to Graces First Holy Communion party.
57. Have a tree planted in my honour.
58. Look out at the ocean from the warmth & comfort of my car seat.
59. Grow big enough to move out of 'tiny baby' clothes and into 'newborn'.
60. Leave a lasting impression on the lives of all who knew me and also
those who have heard my story.